Active Member
Joined: September 12, 2001 4:51 pm
Topics: 0 / Replies: 15

I live in Texas. Is there something besides donating blood that I could do to help anyone? Call 800-999-0904 ext 4667 Missing family friend Daphne Po...

24 years ago

We as a country have become too relaxed. We have gotten in a "comfort zone". Thinking no one would have the nerve to mess with us. Well they have wo...

24 years ago

We as a country have become too relaxed. We have gotten in a "comfort zone". Thinking no one would have the nerve to mess with us. Well they have wo...

24 years ago

Our prayers are with President Bush at this time. We are praying for wisdom and guidance for him and his advisors. We will prevail.

24 years ago

Looking for Daphne Pouletsos. Was on 103rd floor of WTC South. No word from her at this time. Please call if you have info. 800-999-0904 ext 4667 - lv...

24 years ago

Need info on family friend Daphne Pouletsos of Westwood,NJ. She worked on the 103rd floor of WTC South. She is beleived to have been in the building a...

24 years ago

Need info on family friend Daphne Pouletsos of Westwood,NJ. She worked on the 103rd floor of WTC South. She is beleived to have been in the building a...

24 years ago

Looking for AON employee and family friend Daphne Pouletsos, worked on 103rd floor of WTC South. Family heard from her at 9:00am 9/11/01 - she was eva...

24 years ago

Looking for Daphne Pouletsos of Westwood,NJ She worked on the 103rd floor in the southern tower of the WTC. She was in the building at the time of the...

24 years ago

Looking for Daphne Pouletsos She was in the southern tower of the WTC at the time of the attack. Please call with ANY information you may have! 800-99...

24 years ago

Looking for family friend Daphne Pouletsos of Westwood, NJ. She worked on the 103rd floor of the southern tower of the WTC. Please call if you have AN...

24 years ago

My prayers and thoughts go out to all the victims and their families. This tragedy has touched millions across the world. America will forever be chan...

24 years ago

Our prayers go out to the victims and their families. We must come together as a nation to defend our freedom. We MUST pray for our leaders at this ti...

24 years ago

Looking for Daphne Pouletsos of Westwood,NJ She worked on the 103rd floor of the southern tower of the WTC. She was in the building at the time of the...

24 years ago

Looking for Daphne Pouletsos of Westwood, NJ. She worked onthe 103rd flor of the souther WTC tower. She is beleived to have been in the building at th...

24 years ago