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Joined: September 18, 2007 4:12 pm
Topics: 1 / Replies: 57

Delenn "Comparison to Saddam is silly, - Milo wasn't attacking anyone" Oh, realy!? * Absolutely. Kosovo is an integral part of Serbia as distinct...

25 years ago

But...It's milosevic's fault if he is so stupid to let Nato do it. * No sane (insane including) govt. leader would approve of and sign the R...

25 years ago

Getting back to old arguments. If NATO is a "white swan", a nothing to worry about, - why then using force in violation of its own Charter against a c...

25 years ago

Igor, for one measure, disable cookies in the browser.

25 years ago

Russia fiercely opposed NATO's 1999 bombing campaign against the government of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic, ... * Another sick apolo. ...

25 years ago

I see that after a long respite from her mediocre job, that crafty little Jewess, ... * You're dazzled by the shining nimbus above my head. Add "...

25 years ago

Fred, it's allright:o) I was referencing the previous post of said person.

25 years ago

Thanks, Fred. But Your Republicans are very old hawkish racist and militarist and nationalist and ultra capitalist who lives in the past and feel good...

25 years ago

It seems, Delenn, that you yourself a pretty good example of "waste of the "Western values". * Yeah, in view of their implementation, he-heh.

25 years ago

Yep, the space defence "shield" blew intestinal gases. E-e-e-h-h, what was the price tag? Enough to turn "cleansed" Albania into a Garden of Eden of ...

25 years ago

... On a serious note, some of your latest posts are good. I am impressed with your attack on racism. Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could decou...

25 years ago

Ohaya, L'-san, Ivan the Terrible:o), Alehandro * Well, L'-san, since You talked to Ambassador Kosh ...:o)

25 years ago

International Criminal Court ... * Heh. It looks like the black list of the "money-laundering" facilitating states. I'm cynical about it. What�...

25 years ago
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