Honorable Member
Joined: September 18, 2007 4:12 pm
Topics: 2 / Replies: 570

* Is that what u call descriptive writing of ur daily a n a l intercourse with the Rabbi? LOL.... Of course, no. But this is Tizballah with his disast...

24 years ago
Replies: 224
Views: 73538

* Justice has prevailed. American Intervention has prevailed. Yet another message sent out loud and clear that the U.S. will not tolerate to have it&#...

24 years ago

No use proving "allamericanism" to us - it's camel drivel from a Gulf comedy of absurd, like the Amman circus, scene one and continuous: An Arab,...

24 years ago

Kim, I found this one interesting and took the liberty of manipulating it, hope the author will not be angry for my formatting. "1) He will be charged...

24 years ago

* Where have they done that? There were two locals "romanticisers", and I assumed that, there must have been someone to keep them company in the forei...

24 years ago

I met quite a number of questions about why "Israel is against UN observers". Well, here we have UNIFIL, UNTSO (that was here always from the very beg...

24 years ago

* There are calls for a "fitting" response from ordinary Isreali's, how long can he not react? Not that dramatic yet, - most of Israelis have n...

24 years ago

* I don't know why the arabs are having this summit. Ha-ha-ha-ha-!!! The whole of Israel must have rocked with laughter: Kaddafi, upon leaving t...

24 years ago

Ah-h-h! Heh. Sure, Porky Bacon got fried black on the CNN MB and limped here, the only place, where he can talk about his dear panties freely, to sizz...

24 years ago

* I don't know why the arabs are having this summit. First show of clever thinking. Really commendable! Yeah, why? The King of Morocco, who is, i...

24 years ago

An "outstanding" barbarian "bravery" murdering babies and blowing up buses. Why? Because they wet their pants, looking at the Mk-III. That is why they...

24 years ago

* Wonder if the boys father felt the same way this morning? hahahaha Pretty bad, I'm sure, he should have warned him not to dangle around "bang-b...

24 years ago

How does Islam classify lands. I.e. either Islam, or war. * Two Isreali teenagers killed by suicide bomber this morning.. "Peace! Peace!! Peace!!! Pe...

24 years ago

* "Sharon talks big, but we are not interested in talk, we want him to act big. Sharon needs to act smart, not big. He can act big-time - all the neig...

24 years ago
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