Honorable Member
Joined: September 18, 2007 4:12 pm
Topics: 2 / Replies: 570

* Delenne is trying to stop water leaking from a sieve. It's sand, Kim, LOL:o), sand. A total Emirates seepage.

24 years ago

* still not a single shred of evidence Since when do You need any, if You reject the idea of Jerusalem, with its walls and the inner city, build by Ki...

24 years ago

You problem is that, You are a standard Pan-Arab loser, lying Your a.. off, lost for args., perversely sex-crazy, and badmouthing, when beaten, like s...

24 years ago

* No one is interested in ur little Jew Propoganda and zionist agenda, especially when it comes straight out of ur little Jew Delusional mind. You and...

24 years ago

Pals on a shooting rampage Thursday: after beating and injuring an Israeli in Atarot, North Jrs., Pals direct gunfire at Canadian Embassy car on Jerus...

24 years ago

* what a little smelly zionist fanatic jew u are! You sound hysterical. But You read it, good, it will plaster educational holes in Your head a bit. L...

24 years ago

A-rab, why do You, silly head, think I was asking about Arafat joining You in the Gulf area? LOL. If You are a stone head, don't think everybody ...

24 years ago

* Now is the time for Jews in the diaspora who care about peace and human rights to speak out. Punk. Yeah, he can speak about it, if he has guts: Duri...

24 years ago

* He turned up at the Western ("Wailing") Wall in Jerusalem, ... So what? In case Wasserstein does not like the Orthodox, - it is his Jewish problem, ...

24 years ago

LOL. Freedom seems to be never enough, - 98% of Pal Arabs have their own de-facto Govt., the leader of which decided, that he wanted more "freedom" .....

24 years ago

* BTw any bus rides to far & exotic places lately? Only one terrorist bus driver, ... eh-h-h ... "freedom fighter". LOL

24 years ago

* Here...comes SHE-Brew! crawling out of her shekeled sewer - ready to prostitute herself on the world's message boards. SHE-Brew ... LOL. I was ...

24 years ago

"Contrary to what has been claimed in various circles, the visit of Ariel Sharon to the Temple Mount in late September did not trigger the "uprising."...

24 years ago

"Speaking at a symposium in Gaza, Palestinian Minister of Communications, Imad Al-Falouji, confirmed that the Palestinian Authority had begun preparat...

24 years ago

* Israeli soldiers shot through the rear window of a Palestinian bus yesterday morning, killing a labourer in what appeared to be a random act of viol...

24 years ago
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