Noble Member
Joined: September 18, 2007 4:12 pm
Topics: 23 / Replies: 2198

"His name is Bill Clinton, freddie..." ___________________________________ Jordanian Ali Baba in denial..LOL YA DUMB KAKATOO ;) LRAO....

24 years ago

you meant to say "UkraInian", ya dumb CAN'T-SPELL-4-S_H_I_T rabid screamer..lol..oh yeah - and an arab.. LOLOL.. speaking of "been to universi...

24 years ago

Zebroid's posts are still being deleted, I see..ouch..that must hurt LOL.. ..but not as much as his 7" of his Ukrainian destiny..

24 years ago

DUMB, D U M B arabs..lol I'll spell it out for you - if I live in Odessa, and Igor is from Russia then you are one intelligent arab.. LOL.. s...

24 years ago

"have you been to university" in Moscow too, Zebroid? LMRAO...

24 years ago

By Stars&Stripes ( - on Thursday, November 16, 2000 - 11:17 am: "... Comming from Russia I could see how you wouldn't be... L...

24 years ago

glad you like your new name and my 7" long inside you, Zebroid.. LOL.. you don't sound too happy..whattsamatter? talk to me..

24 years ago

are you happy, Zebroid?

24 years ago

Babilonians? or..Abu lonians.. nah, its - Baboononians.. LOL.. if you, boys are believers (in the Bible that is), you do know the end of zi Empire...

24 years ago

DUMB ARABS..LOL..everytime I pour your, lol, drink of "misery" (is that what they call it nowadays in Jordan?), you choke on it..but, as you wish..ope...

24 years ago

oh yeah, I think I can _read_ you by know, l-san..it's been like what, almost a year by now, eh, comrade? But in any case, I most defenitely wil...

24 years ago

shut up and touch my belly button, bieaitCH, LOL.. DUMB ARABS..

24 years ago

"..bend over and LIKE my balls" ___________________________________ YA DUMB FUCKEN ARAB, WHE WILL YOU LEARN TO WRITE E N G L I S H, biEayeetch, heh.....

24 years ago

PEOPS!!! I just created my own political forum. HERE IT IS: All of ya guys are more than welcome to partisapate there, Kim, Svoloch, Igor, L-ch...

24 years ago

come outta the closet, biEatch, the RIDE of you life has just got HARDER LOL..don't you hide from yo ukrainian destiny, hoe..

24 years ago
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