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Joined: September 13, 2001 9:47 pm
Topics: 0 / Replies: 5

I am looking for Lt. Peter Freund Whom is missing. He is featured in Saturday's Times Herald Record on page 9 ( if you want to see a black and wh...

23 years ago

I am looking for Lt. Peter Freund. He is a New york city fireman , worked for company number 55. His family misses him very much. I would like any one...

23 years ago

I am looking for Lt. Peter Fruend. He is a fireman for new york city company 55. If you know of his where abouts, e-mail me at Th...

23 years ago

I am looking For Lt Peter Fruend new york city fireman .company 55. If any one knows about his well being e-mail me as soon as possible. His wife, chi...

23 years ago

looking for Lt Peter Fruend. company 55, new york city fireman. Lives in Westtown Ny. Wife and 3 children miss him terribly.

23 years ago