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Joined: September 18, 2007 4:12 pm
Topics: 0 / Replies: 117

Instigations don't have to be in the form of Army/military. The mass migration of Cuban immigrants to S. Florida remains a major "instigating" f...

24 years ago

Cuba has been threatening the U.S. for about 40 years now! do u see us starting a war and occupying their land bec. of what we see as instigations? ...

24 years ago

The A-rabs don't know how to conduct military warfare... even more so with Russian hardware... lol. Since then M.E. countries have been a major ...

24 years ago

Delusions at work again. I know what Hizbollah has done and i also know what u spineless sewer rats have done. Israeli terrorism against the U.S...

24 years ago

That quote by Roschild would explain the jubilation Bagel girl feels when speaking about terror. Talk about putting things in a nutshell...

24 years ago

Delusions!!!! I must have the patience of Aristotle... except this is nowhere as complicated !!!lol... What ur saying is that there are two forms of ...

24 years ago

So u see how delusional u are Bagel Girl. You seem to think im picking sides here! lol... I just call it like i see it. which is a lot more than wh...

24 years ago

Typical of the jew to reach utter jubilation at the first sight of terrorism and blood. Never seen Bagel girl use so many 'LOL' except whe...

24 years ago

Typical of the jew to reach utter jubilation at the first sight of terrorism and blood. Never seen Bagel girl use so many 'LOL' except wh...

24 years ago

Listen here Bagel Girl... Don't ever mention the American Embassies EVER again u focking sewer rat. American Marines lives were lost in those e...

24 years ago

Look who's deranged! lol... denying stuff that happened. contradicting urself. lying about who started wars! plus.... Goldstien was killed by...

24 years ago

" There is a League of Nations res. on the establishment of Israel, and that's it. " NO THAT'S NOT IT! LOL... Does that include the West B...

24 years ago

lmx since ur such dimwitted knucklehead, let me put it to u this way; There is a clear separtion here; an occupying force and a resistence force. ...

24 years ago

Jesus Chorny ur a bonehead!

24 years ago

Only Second generation white trash enjoy Smoked Salmon with MAYO! U must be a 300pound beast! LOL...

24 years ago
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