Honorable Member
Joined: September 18, 2007 4:12 pm
Topics: 6 / Replies: 713

John It was a building demolition indeed...

23 years ago

John Cauthen Why 4.000 jews were missing in the WTC before the planes crashed in? Because 10.000 regular workers were not at this times in the tower...

23 years ago

Justfact If the best elite troops can't fight in winter, I don't know what kind of army we have. Yes the afghans know theyr mountain passes...

23 years ago

Well, I agree that we have to help these poor poeple in Afghanistan and have some compasion :) for them. In the meanwhile waiting for spring to get i...

23 years ago

Stop the bombing for Ramadan? Why? The Taliban forced all the afghan to fast permanently like under ramadan. We will end theyr everlasting privations....

23 years ago

Compassion, Your message is great and very wise. But did you come to this board to preach moral or talk about the topic? ____________________________...

23 years ago

BIN LADEN MASKS FOR HALLOWEEN!!! BWAAAAWAWAWAHAHAHA! They did it! What a usccess it will be! GENIUS! The taliban should buy thousands of mask and...

23 years ago

Jhon Just heard on CNN: 4,500 or so died. 25,000 managed to escape. ...30,000 poeple were in the towers.

23 years ago

I made a page on the 11th sept terrorist Attack Please clic on "Special: Terrorist Attack on USA".

23 years ago

USA "only about 20,000 had arrived at work already. " 9:50 am what time do the NYers start theyr working day? 11am? - It's still ...

23 years ago

John, One of the tower was hit between the 60th and the 70th floor. There were 20,000 poeple in that tower [half of the estimated 40,000, I don't...

23 years ago

John Cauhten WHY DID THE BUILDINGS COLLAPSE AFTER ONLY ONE HOUR? Like the Eifel tower, the twins held on a web of metalic beams which melt down in ...

23 years ago

"Improper sex is a sin"... :)

23 years ago

Compasion wrote: "You may kill all the terrorists; you are actually killing their material bodies, not their souls. You will never to be able to kill ...

23 years ago

Compassion BIOLOGICAL WARFARE is not an easy thing. If the terrorists had the mean to use them, they would have used them instead of hijacking airpl...

24 years ago
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