Honorable Member
Joined: September 18, 2007 4:12 pm
Topics: 6 / Replies: 713

God another reason is that it won't help whipe out BinLaden and co from the suface of the Earth. It's would be the most inefective action...

23 years ago

compasion wrote "1. The parents are teaching the wrong things. 2. The teachers are teaching the wrong things. 3. The society is promoting the wrong...

23 years ago

god, There are 5,000,000 muslims in America. 50 has been involved in terrorist attack acording to the fbi. It makes one on 100,000 muslim or 0.001% ...

23 years ago

I recomand this post from another board. It develop how the Quran doesn't call for Holly War. I recomand the board also. We talk about the Ba...

23 years ago

RAZZAK You will destroy America? So wath next? What will it bring to the pakistanese? What's the goal? Bin Laden wanted to oust the american f...

23 years ago

Stella You want to send dvd's and other IT to Afghanistan? Do you know that they are banning TV and Internet? Even at the government the use o...

23 years ago

KELLY It would be completely useless to persecute the pakistanese and the Afghans who are living in the west. Most of them are against terrorist atta...

23 years ago

Jeff wrote "Hiroshima and Nagisaki will forever be debated... Hundredes of thousands of people lost their lives... but it saved the lives of hundreds...

24 years ago

Zurdita, CNN often make use of fabricated footage, especialy during the coverage on the Balkans. Nevetheless, we know from more reliable sources tha...

24 years ago

The roman catholic church is not oposed to the political power. It's in the St Paul Letters.

24 years ago

Religion? The cause of 95% of war? Nope! The first crusade, the crusade of the Poor was peacefull, like a pilgrimage. The other crusades were led by ...

24 years ago

Che Pai 1) yes 2) yes but doing nothing at a relevant scale is imposssible and would be stupid.

24 years ago

WinMcGraw wrote: "Surely our children must be allowed to live in the world that Hitler tried to destroy, or did our men lose their lives for nothing?...

24 years ago

What about this man who said "Bin Laden is the Heroe!" or this fat woman who rattle her tong to whistle of joy in that ugly manner? Are they innocent...

24 years ago

GAZA (Reuters) - Israeli army bulldozers demolished 26 Palestinian houses at the flashpoint Gaza-Egypt border on Tuesday, leaving dozens homeless and ...

24 years ago
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