Honorable Member
Joined: September 18, 2007 4:12 pm
Topics: 6 / Replies: 713

Bon Soir Dellen, "* [...] most of the poeple never killed anybody nor intended to do so. So, what is the point of banning guns, then? " Good shot D...

24 years ago

L'Menexe Antonio is awkward as he beleives that inserting "HOO-HA!" in the middle of each sentence sufice to became L'menexe. Did he notic...

24 years ago

"* We are perfectly adapted for peacefull existance. We are not." We are, otherwise, there would be more crimes. killers are still a very small part...

24 years ago

GREAT! BOMBOMBOBMBOMBOM...POOOPOPOOO!!!!-flash news- (drum rolls and trumpets) Mr Thornhill is posting polish economic forecast for 1999 and 2000. ...

24 years ago

Thornhill "I have as much a right to post as anybody else here." NO you don't. Because you are not respecting the rules of this board. _________...

24 years ago

Thornhill, ONE MORE ATTEMPT to bog this board and I refer to the moderator. Don't try my patience. ======================= BTW L'menexe�...

24 years ago

By L'menexe ( - on Friday, May 4, 2001 - 04:52 pm: L'menexe I agree on most of what you were saying. ______________________...

24 years ago

Dellenn, You can eat me as you want but I warned you: I' M HARD MEAT! "We will restrict karate next, " I like in Jackie-Chan movies. Don't...

24 years ago

By L'menexe ( - on Monday, April 30, 2001 - 08:15 am: FAKE AMERICAN DISGUSTING EXCUSE FOR A HUMAN GROSS PIG FARIS HOMOUD: "......

24 years ago

Hi everybody! ____________________________________________________ Delenn "Ultimately, in the end, what You imply is a totalitarian control. With th...

24 years ago

More comments on Pokemon conspiracy...

24 years ago

L'menexe "the nightmare reason is very simple: the very high percentage of jewish people in the area. " Exept a few nostalgic returnees, there ...

24 years ago

Did you watch BLOCKPOST ? April 23 2001 at 9:02 PM No score for this post Fred Le Dingue (no login) from IP address Message posted o...

24 years ago

Thornhill Do you at least understand the text in polish language that you pasted above.+ the "rarefied unreadable" is not in compatible format. Good ...

24 years ago

HI! Kim; L'mnx; Delen; BaronWLMH... Polishing of the DMS. The average wage rise in $ is very slow. But still is under way another 10 years. A j...

24 years ago
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