Honorable Member
Joined: September 18, 2007 4:12 pm
Topics: 6 / Replies: 713

If one day I succeed in reading the news at the same pace I download them, maybe I will find the time to post here. Anyway Hi to all!

24 years ago

Where is all the Tsar gold now? Or it's still there. Then it belongs to the actual Russia. Or the money has been long deduced from the debt and n...

24 years ago

AllAmerican: LOL. When you see your savings getting halved, generaly you take a closer look. LOL In fact it was quite interresting to look at the mood...

24 years ago

Hello! Kim! e-caly, these last months, I have been on several -HOO-HAA!- tech stock msg boards and more recently at a board at Y! on the destroyed gia...

24 years ago

* Thousands have protested against the takeover in the biggest street protests of Putin's presidency. What is "ten thousands" in Moscow? On th...

24 years ago

Hi It's me!!!! I just came to make my monthly check of this board. Less of "FaridHOMOud" and more of Kim Arx and ChornyVolk... God bless you!!

24 years ago

Dellen "We will take this war to all of Macedonia," says Arban Aliu, [...] "Kosovo inspired us a great deal," Aliu said. "We can do the same thing h...

24 years ago

Hi! Still so many poeple finding time to fill this board with low teenage crap?!

24 years ago

If Sharon is elected we will see soon the first JEWISH-NEO-FASHIST state in History. It's gonna look nasty. _________________________ Hi Kim! I...

24 years ago

L'Mensex likes women

24 years ago

"The problem, Chorny Volk, is that (and You forget it, no offence), the Russian legislation of that time did not cover "anti-trust", "Federal Exchange...

24 years ago

Informer, There has never been such a thing as press freedom in Russia. So how do want to loose it? Israelians and palestinians are ready for anoth...

24 years ago

NEW DEBATE: How old is L'Menexe? L'Menexe, do you remembre Hairy Mary? _She_ found out the truth! LOL

24 years ago

M'sieur L'Menexe And what do I risk? That boxing glove materialize out of my PC screen and knock my nose? It's not about being inform...

24 years ago

". Everyone is a critic, teaching Israel how it was, how it is and how it should be." Yes and it's good because your nation is very poor in auto...

24 years ago
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