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Joined: September 18, 2007 4:12 pm
Topics: 1 / Replies: 69

Kim , I guess I didn't make my point clear. Anyway you know as well as I Albright would never make a policy U-turn on this issue which makes my p...

24 years ago

R W & B, just wondering do you think if Kim posted an article in which Albright was quoted saying the Yougoslavs didn't commit wide spread ki...

24 years ago

They aren't now ;)

24 years ago

Hey this an open forum, if someone wants to give these "clowns" the address this board it is fine with me. I guess I don't care one way or anothe...

24 years ago

I am not sure what you are voteing for?

24 years ago

? During the Communist time we were warned that the West wanted to come here and now here they are.” So if the west moves east is now the east-west?

24 years ago

? During the Communist time we were warned that the West wanted to come here and now here they are.” So it the west moves east is now the east-west?

24 years ago

on August 28, NATO troops moved into the town of Brcko. Air raid sirens sounded an alert, and thousands turned out in a mass demonstration. Demonstrat...

24 years ago

Just a few thoughts... Clinton, Albright...they will be gone in a few months, why bother. Israelis, Palestinians...both are too blame, it takes two ...

24 years ago

I keep seeing posts that say the USA rigged the election, or it was USA $$$ that was the determining factor in the election. How exactaly was that mon...

24 years ago

Chorny, no. I have never posted on the Serbian cafe. I have not posted on this board for quite a while now. But I still take a loo once in a while.

25 years ago

"Milo is constantly consolidating power." Yep even changed the constitution so he can hold onto power.

25 years ago

I have never seen that quote, its right on the nose. Thanks.

25 years ago

Delenn, I gues by "nice", you think my post was sort of warmongerish. I was posting from a military point of view after the the decision is made to go...

25 years ago

Fred "when they come the flatten everything" I don't think this is the case as far as the air war in Yugo. Actually I saw the air-war as an exam...

25 years ago
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