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Joined: September 18, 2007 4:12 pm
Topics: 1 / Replies: 69

Chorny, thanks. Dimitri, if Milo didn't think he was going to get bombed because it was "unlawful" after being told he would from any perspective...

25 years ago

One question that does not really have an answer since its a what if. What if NATO didm't bomb would the serb forces have ethnically clensed to t...

25 years ago

Chorny, so whats in the video?

25 years ago

I don't think Milo ever really grasped the situation. I doubt he ever really thought he would be bombed because of Kosovo. I doubt he took the wa...

25 years ago

Heres a thought. If an organization writes its own charter. Doesn't that same organization has the right to change it if they see fit. Does anyon...

25 years ago

Dimitri, thanks foe the address. I didn't find it too interesting. Yea I saw the above post. He got an ax to grind. A bridge by the way is a mili...

25 years ago

So whats the web site address to this "serbian cafe"? I would like to take a look.

25 years ago

THX, do you reallt think the US could build a star wars system that could 100% protect the US from a full scale nuke attack. I think spending all this...

25 years ago

well put, Why would NATo ever want to invade Russia. It really makes no sence. There would be no public support to do something foolish like that. One...

25 years ago

Chorny, asked an interesting question. Why is NATO still arround after the warsaw pact dissbanded? I might have an answer. Even though it does not see...

25 years ago

Chorny, well put. It is true Americans don't like to be #2 in anything. I feel we are a very competive people. Yes economics is the main drive be...

25 years ago

Ivan, I have been to europe and as an American not once did I feel someone did not like me or showed distrust just because i am an American. I do thin...

25 years ago

"don't stain your pants". Come on jake thats a put down that sounds like it would come from a kid in the second grade...simply childish like "i k...

25 years ago

Thx I am also still wondering where it was "recently reported" that south korea was going to invade the north. I thnik now after no response you just...

25 years ago

Fred, the taliban are a real paranoid group. What would a spy learn from working in a relief group...how much food it takes to feed an afgan village.

25 years ago
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