Trusted Member
Joined: September 18, 2007 4:12 pm
Topics: 1 / Replies: 69

jake as a member of this board I still want to see Igor on this board. "an order", thats sort of childish don't ya think. I mean come on this is...

25 years ago

Hey did anybody see the picture of the protron rocket Russia shot off with a peace of the interneational space station. It had a big "pizza hut" logo ...

25 years ago

I read the e-new clothes web site story on nationalism ,wto, new world order stuff. One thing caught my eye. "In the US ,an extremely nationalist coun...

25 years ago

As far as my vote goes I say Antonio shouldn't have been barred from this board. Even though I dissagree with him and find them borish I don'...

25 years ago

I thought Antonios posts where simply silly. He would have us believe all the jewish people in the world were haveing secret meatings and completely o...

25 years ago

"DMS board is a stark proof that DMS is not an open forum for the free exchange of ideas and speech but an exclusive club who toe the party line." So...

25 years ago

Really, one can get kicked off this board because of what one posts?

25 years ago

Hello all. THx, still wondering where was it "recently reported that south korea was planning on invading the north", or did you just make that up.

25 years ago

Jewish control of the media? Specifically what jews are you taking about. Do you have any names or is that just a conspricay theory? Plus if you think...

25 years ago

Dimitri, I don't think Antonio has a clue what he is talking about. He does seem very much the anti-semite. I think it is so sad when people try ...

25 years ago

Thx, still wondering, Where was it "just been recently revealed" that south Korea was planning on invading the North. "US lap dogs"...that was funny...

25 years ago

Oh THX one more difference between the North Korean and US "Regimes" as you put it. In the US we will overthorw our "regime" in November. It is called...

25 years ago

"Just recently been revealed." Where...where was it recently been revealed.? If so they were no very prepared considering the NK army nearly drove the...

25 years ago

Dimitri, true. In this conflict just like Vietnam when the side that opposed the US or Russia tried to fight a major battle (not the hit and run stuff...

25 years ago

Drake, that seems to be the problem. The Russians don't have an end game to this conflict. It is like the US in Vietnam. The question was asked. ...

25 years ago
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