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Joined: September 18, 2007 4:12 pm
Topics: 1 / Replies: 69

"Canadianbacon" wasn't that John Candys last movie?

25 years ago

Dimitri, Thank you for your assistance, that is exactly what I ment. Todays americans are fare from war and the mentality of the youg people coming ou...

25 years ago

Suleyman, Your point is well put, but that is not what I and prior servive members were concerned. Gonzo

25 years ago

Kim, The Presedent of Chechnya is a banit using outside sources to fight a against the Russians, just as the turned on the Germans side against the Ru...

25 years ago

Dimitry, Well said. This country could never handle as many invasions as Russian has withstood. Gonzo

25 years ago

Igor, I love your answer. Fenriz, Yor on the money with the Mosque.

25 years ago

Dimitri, Yes I do, and I am not the only prior service person that feels that way. You would be suprised at the conversations that take place in the V...

25 years ago

Dimitry, I am also in agreement with you. I also believe that that is the reason for the 533 reported Russian military deaths in Chechnya. I am prior ...

25 years ago

Dimitri, Do you believe, by NATO sticking there nose into Bosnia and Kosovo that it has given Islamic groups an excuse for there attempts at territori...

25 years ago

I've been following the war from the begining and I have been getting reports on Russian Casulties and non on the bandits. Have the bandits recei...

25 years ago
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