Estimable Member
Joined: September 18, 2007 4:12 pm
Topics: 1 / Replies: 152

urn, Oh that makes alot of sense, maybe that's why Marie won't send you her picture!

25 years ago

Tornado, Oh you mean a collapse in the economy just like russia? Wait a minute they never had an economy did they? All they had was a military, and an...

25 years ago

l'menexe, who were were you calling a gross pig and getting their ass banned?

25 years ago

Ultra, Wow you seem to have all the answers, just for arguments sake maybe we should send all our politicians, students, presidents and so on to russi...

25 years ago

Ultra, Ahh, sorry I didn't know you were paralyzed. My appologies. Ha.

25 years ago

Were is Jake when ya need him?

25 years ago

Wrong, Karate is a martal art and (nobody take this personally, it's just a joke) you make bagels out of Judo! Childish and racist I know but no...

25 years ago

D, Oh well ya can't win them all. That's cool, so I'm getting a bad rap. It makes it all the more fun. I'll need my hand eh, I hop...

25 years ago

D, I read that in a some angst column, I thought it was a funny as ••••. Ya saw those people get bent eh, funny stuff. People ...

25 years ago

D, Well I guess you are right, found a new toy. What fun. It's hard to control myself with all the yahoo's there (serbian cafe). Oh well. Ma...

25 years ago

Car that is....

25 years ago

Rolls are for old people, something with a shiit load of testosterone!

25 years ago

The car won't be a Kia or American made will it?

25 years ago

Hey Demitri did you get my message on the serb cafe about sparring with ya check it out...

25 years ago

Thanks L. I thought I checked don't display e-mail address in preferences, but when I click on my name on the post it shows my e-mail address to ...

25 years ago
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