Estimable Member
Joined: September 18, 2007 4:12 pm
Topics: 1 / Replies: 152

You are hillarious for a retard. I can barely understand you no matter how you speak. You write like you do because you are at a loss for words. But d...

24 years ago

Dude you are to funny, I'm sure you look like you write. Shitty... Keep on going fat boy. As I have told you before I am the perfect picture of a...

24 years ago

Dude you are to funny, I'm sure you look like you write. Shitty... Keep on going fat boy. As I have told you before I am the perfect picture of a...

24 years ago

You have quite an imagination, for a five year old. You were elected only by a few of your faggoty little comrades. And I don't think you speak f...

24 years ago

I could really give a shitt what you believe just for the fact that 1. you are an idiot. 2. you are gay. 3. I could care less. 4. You take it in the a...

24 years ago

Doesn't it take a weeks pay for you to be able to buy the almighty Big Mac.

24 years ago

I never stated I was a famous magazine/newspaper writer, you said that. As I stated to one of your friends at the SC I wrote technical articles for an...

24 years ago

Man you are loosing it. You sound like a 5th grader arguing that your dad is bigger than my dad. Ya you work for an American company, just like the me...

24 years ago

Russia retains the title for the number one child pornography rings. Children bought and sold for pennies on the dollar. Simple equation, poor economy...

24 years ago

How is the Boston weather today queer boy?

24 years ago

urn, Alright back on track, First of all you can go fucck yourself fat man. If I would have sent the articles or told you that magazines I wrote for i...

24 years ago

ohh, I take we have cross into the battle zone again. I'll wait for a response before I respond to your post... That's the reason I didn...

24 years ago

Let me explain the russian dream; Cheap filterless cigerettes, cheap empty vodka bottles laying around, Low grade beef based meals, deformed children,...

24 years ago

RWB, So how do you get into the SC now? I don't read jibberish and don't have the time to click through all the crap! Just wondering... bett...

24 years ago

L'menexe, Cool no hard feelings. It's easy to lost in the crazy crap here, everyone baggin on each other. You are right though some are absu...

24 years ago
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