Active Member
Joined: November 2, 1999 1:21 pm
Topics: 0 / Replies: 5

To jake berstein Are you a doctor or an idiot? If you are an idiot then you are not Jewish.

25 years ago

Ashkenazi people are descendants of Germans tribes who converted to Judaism about two thousands years ago. That is why they spoke Idish – a German dia...

25 years ago

Àìèð Îáúåäèíåííîãî Êîìàíäîâàíèÿ Èñëàìñêèõ Ïðàâèòåëüñòâåííûõ Ñèë Øàìèëü Áàñàåâ ïðèâåë â ñâîé äîì âòîðóþ æåíó. Áðàê áûë îôîðìëåí ïî âñåì çàêîíàì Øàðèàòà...

25 years ago

To Mudjahedin I would not fucck your mother I might get infected. Gavgo jri ebani chernojopi

25 years ago

Very humorous message board! In several weeks I did not have such a good laugh. Thank you everyone for intertainment

25 years ago