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Joined: January 25, 2000 5:48 pm
Topics: 1 / Replies: 88

IGOR it's kinda got a nice ring to it!! :)

25 years ago

Kissie look in the mirror and tell us what you see. I will tell you what we see and notice the hair on the face it looks like this could date as far ...

25 years ago

I'm making fun of all the propoganda. Chechen and russian. I think the the whole conflict could have and should have been avoided!!!

25 years ago

News flash three Russian fighter jets are reported to be stolen by the rebels. The Russian government was reported to be all buying ojiua boards to t...

25 years ago

URN were are you I want to know if I recieved enough votes to be the cyber PREZ?????? IGOR TIME TO BREAK OUT THE HEAVY ARTILLERY ON ALL THESE MOFO�...

25 years ago

NOW HEAR THIS!! NOW HEAR THIS!! News flash from Moscow. Putin shot in the head by the Bandits from the break away Republic. Also in the news heav...

25 years ago

IGOR YOU AND I ARE COMRADES ME IN CHARGE OF THE BANKS you in charge of the military Whats it going to cost to launch a full scall attack on ANTONIO???...

25 years ago

Antonio I think that we now about the D.O.I. so why print it on the board. We can go to the library and get the information. So please don't cl...

25 years ago

Hey Bones we all read that this morning. You never know maybe there is some truth to it!! Do you think russia could deploy that many troop that fast...

25 years ago
Replies: 175
Views: 40319

To all of the heads of state it is time we get together DRAKE and I will bring the ruski VODKA URN you must bring ZEWEEMEN and IGOR YOU Bring the FIRE...

25 years ago

I want to run the banks so NEXT election I can buy some votes!!!

25 years ago

Well I guess cheating on the votes is not going to work. I give in TO the man. U.R.N. Lets kick some ass!!!

25 years ago

Ukranian girl the the candidates are. U.R.N DIMITRI JAMMAN Please vote for one of the candidates on the ballot.

25 years ago

HEY Ukranian Girl we need your vote. Same with you IGOR what do you say???? VOTE NOW or your voice will never be heard. That means we don't wan...

25 years ago
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