Honorable Member
Joined: September 18, 2007 4:12 pm
Topics: 2 / Replies: 546

"Yeah they are sadistic assasins and you are blood-thirsty murdering terrorists... lets just say u both deserve each other... lol... " ER, Allam, w...

24 years ago

Hum, so much religious spam today, did Antonio fall out with his mentor, or just get kicked off another M~B? Evening L'san, I hope you have alre...

24 years ago

That's OK Delenne,there's more to life than politics;0)))))))) P.S. I don't believe in peace, rather, I think, that a status-quo shoul...

24 years ago

Now I'm confused.... Isreali pal arabs, PA pal arabs, Isreali PA, Palestinian PA........?????? Could we agree on definitions here?

24 years ago

You make the same mistake (and Arab BS makes most of it) of confusing Israeli Pal Arabs and PA Pal Arabs. What's is the difference apart from wh...

24 years ago

Antonio has been following in the footsteps of his Guru: Mad Marie, the new Martin Luther of Christian anti-semitic fanatics and part-time trailor p...

24 years ago

Yes, have you? My thoughts on the subject were formed by an exhibition that went round schools in Germany and Holland showing photographs of Mengele&...

24 years ago

American, it is spellt "Auschwitz" in English as well. And don't tell me you are using arabic spelling, please. You could always try Osterlitz, t...

24 years ago


24 years ago

Hiya Delenne, Hummm, what a choice, huh... I think the other had more(!!! A!!!) brain, not a pre-requisite for a politician obviously, but somehow co...

24 years ago

Anyone who voted for Bush and co are either Fascist, braindead or delusional.... ...But you may be right...he was appointed president by a majority o...

24 years ago

Did you gain one? God save the whales! Interesting both are soon to be extinct.(the Arabs v. the Jews should clinche it) It only goes to show, doesn...

24 years ago

Pathetic, but I don't need to tell that to you, do I. Allaaaam , you don't work for Customs and Excise do you? "president of the internatio...

24 years ago

That's an old one, dear, wasn't it Chorny volk first dug that pic up...(well. I don't suppose you can really expect originality from so...

24 years ago

Yawn! It's OK L'menexe, I would find it very hard to give a damn, even if I could sink to their level. Puberty is difficult for boys, espec...

24 years ago
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