Eminent Member
Joined: December 11, 1999 11:35 am
Topics: 1 / Replies: 34

Everest - The point about criminalization as a result of isolation is well taken. In somewhat similar way, that's exactly what happened in the g...

25 years ago

Everest - Novodvorskaya is a lady of firm and admirable convictions, but on the matters of foreign and military policy her reactions to whatever the R...

25 years ago

ABD - Please stop that. Yeltsin's drinking habits have nothing to do with Chechnya. And why do you call Kazakhstan "the traitor russian republic...

25 years ago

ITAR-TASS and "Moscow News" are announcing () an international conference on Chechnya, scheduled on Dec 15. Pristavkin, Vladimir Ryzhkov, Gen. Manilo...

25 years ago
Replies: 49
Views: 12508

Igor - Well, my (American, in US) company has dozens of Canadian workers. If they would be the Jerry Springer types, we wouldn't hire them...The ...

25 years ago

Igor- If there are polticians in Washington, D.C. who consider the Caspian oil reserves a factor in the Chechen situation, they have to be hospitalize...

25 years ago

To "igor" - Da amerikanets ya, amerikanets! (American, American!)Of Russian extraction, obviously - hence the name and the residues of language... To...

25 years ago

Well, Fenriz, I spend a lot of time in both countries, and in my view the differences are superficial (though I know, this suggestion will rub many Ca...

25 years ago

Igor - I don't care much for your PM either , but isn't this a very simplistic view of events? After all, Europe dragged US into NATO kicki...

25 years ago

Igor- I've never had anything good to say about KLA, and that was one of the reasons I have NOT approved the NATO actions in the beginning. In th...

25 years ago

Igor- Apart from all the across-the-border jealousies and the fact that most of US is very much like most Canada in every respect - just to stick to ...

25 years ago

"ABD" - The World Community is wide awake. Some of our friends on this board complain that it is too much awake and makes too many noises. Why did w...

25 years ago

Mr/Ms Kissie, If you need additional explanation after reading second time my initial message, you either don't understand very simple English se...

25 years ago

Dear Everest, As a disciple of Count Kropotkin, you would pay dues to your convictions by asking an additional question: What life will be like in th...

25 years ago
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