Reputable Member
Joined: February 26, 2000 5:37 pm
Topics: 3 / Replies: 249

Why Milosevic didn't accept western influence like everybody else? * Why should he? Why this influence is so bad while other eastern countries ac...

25 years ago

Igor, StarNet, the wholesale Internet access provider in North America. 550 independent ISPs in 46 cities. Offers packages in H...

25 years ago

That link is good.

25 years ago

Yes, looks like very "humanitarian" "efforts".

25 years ago

News from Bandit country * Which one? The one with two persons shot dead in the apartment house for the elderly? Was it Michigan?

25 years ago

"The great masses of people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one." Adolf Hitler, 1939. The media continues to promote the pr...

25 years ago

Dead right. - Milo had been elected. Blaming "it all" on him is incorrect (and useless). Jim Jatras was right. Any Serb Govt. leader (as any govt. lea...

25 years ago

START-2 passed.

25 years ago

Igor, You answered it Yourself with Your Thursday, April 13, 2000 - 08:13 pm: and Thursday, April 13, 2000 - 08:24 pm:o) R. has the S400 already. Reme...

25 years ago

You mean the thousands of civilians that were massacred ... * Believe what You want, the UN is of a different opinion, though.

25 years ago

Kisako, Algeria Is there any credible evidence that the militants carried out those "attacks"? * Sure, no. It's the Buteflica Govt. itself decid...

25 years ago

Now, I must ask: In your view, what should have happened in Kosovo? * It should have been left alone. Nothing was going on there, except low-intensity...

25 years ago

Lazer & All American "genocide" special. Algeria. 1996. May 23. Seven French monks kidnapped March 27 from Notre Damme de Tibirin monastery died. ...

25 years ago

That "piece of land" being more important than its occupants!!!!!!!!! * A tricky question with words Albanian civilians hidden in the end. Heh. Any ar...

25 years ago

He's got the right given to him as Head of State." and that seems to be all he cares about. * He seems, or not seems ... . He has the right as th...

25 years ago
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