Reputable Member
Joined: February 26, 2000 5:37 pm
Topics: 3 / Replies: 249

He visits the board, but, as with a "good jackal" tradition, behaves as such.

25 years ago

Hi, L'-san. The new Office pulldown addition is just great.

25 years ago

Take my advice godless scum. Read the the BIBLE and evolve from Bacon to a CHRISTIAN. Stop worshipping the derivatives market.

25 years ago

Politics, politics. There are certain taboos, but what the hell. The move of accomodating of the "persecuted, slaughtered, raped, tortured, hashished,...

25 years ago

The Gross Garbage Product of Surrey is great. Should be entered into the "derivatives" market. Hey, maybe it's managed by O. J. Bacon? What was t...

25 years ago

WhO arE You TryING to foOL? * A timely question. They fool themselves. Whipping up an "innocent-moslem-victim" hysteria. And it's enough to perve...

25 years ago

RF conducts talks about the Chechniya future with Mufti Kadirov, Yamadayew brothers and Gantemirov. All of them agree to "remain" within RF, but none ...

25 years ago

Gonzo, and that more resembles a political tribalism (like in Chechniya).

25 years ago

Thank you crafty Jewess, but I also have a nomination! * Who else nominated You, dear Bacon, except me? Kissie, I have the honour to officially nomina...

25 years ago

Still, Gonzo, I can't see any connection of the Chechen operation to the nukes issue.

25 years ago

Dimitry, nothing. There was a suspicious video on Komsomolskoye, though.

25 years ago

Bacon, I have the honour to officially nominate You as author of Surreyalism. [applause explosion]

25 years ago

Bacon, how was on TV the incident of a group of Chechs throwing eggs at Albright?

25 years ago

The United States has been clear in criticizing Russia for its military campaign in Chechnya and has not endorsed Acting President Vladimir Putin, * R...

25 years ago

Ah-h-h! Hangover? Heh. I just accomodated myself as comfortable as I could on top armour plate, sipped coffee and watched a local dog Khattab running ...

25 years ago
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