Reputable Member
Joined: February 26, 2000 5:37 pm
Topics: 3 / Replies: 249

BTH, that sub. Tutakow threatened to shoot the Dagestani Duma member, and it was caught full on video. And in the European "Parliament" headquarters.

25 years ago

Hi, L'-san.

25 years ago
Replies: 24
Views: 6217

I think I'd repost it. Gen. Ermolov. Well, he did all other generals were doing. Before and after him there was all the same. Nothing new in a st...

25 years ago

NO power on Earth can now quell the determination and courage of the valiant fighters of Allah ... * One "valiant", a mastermind, which had been on th...

25 years ago

The Council of Europe, OSCE,etc. were set up to try and prevent war in Europe, to prevent the abuse of Civilian populations. * With a stunning success...

25 years ago

HM, didn't know that, apologies.

25 years ago

Woah, the US Navy's captured yet another R. tanker. It's "fun", since the origin of the cargo of the first tanker still can't be tied t...

25 years ago

You are right - Russia "forgot" nothing in the Council, since Russian input was nil. * Heh. What about the hard cash paid for participation? At least,...

25 years ago

Russia to be suspended from Council of Europe over Chechnya rights!!! * Heh. In reality that same "Council" is afraid of Russia leaving it altogether,...

25 years ago

On July 23, 1996, the following paid advertisement appeared in the editorial page of the Haagsche Courantas, a petition to the Hague's Lord Mayor...

25 years ago

You are pointless. LMAO. * I'm glad, You agree with the rest of that post, darling.

25 years ago

Desa Tomasevic, Director of the American Serbian Women's Caucus to Senator Richard Lugar, Chair of the European Affairs Senate Foreign Relations ...

25 years ago

Though the "investigations" by the "Tribunal" included 1991, the Commission remained silent about another, larger, event that took place between Augus...

25 years ago

Hi Kim, L'-san! Thanks, and my apologies for ... "wording":o)

25 years ago
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