Reputable Member
Joined: February 26, 2000 5:37 pm
Topics: 3 / Replies: 249

About the "Star Wars" pervert "son" - it would be logical for the North Korea to "launch" nukes at the US across the Pasific and not across the EuroAs...

25 years ago

There was a theme about how the Albanian majority had formed in Kosovo, so, - when the Groat Tito came to power in Yugoslavia in 1945, he didn't ...

25 years ago

Hi, Kim.

25 years ago

Hi! L'-san, that e-mail name assignment stuff ... :o))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

25 years ago

One of the "best" revelations of/about "All American": You see the truth is Hairy - I am smarter than you are and I am more educated than you are, ......

25 years ago

"All American", "Baron" von Kebab, is firing his "laser-guided" Phoenix shishlik from his Tomcamel.

25 years ago

As soon as sufficient forces are available and the weather allows, the ground installations of theYugoslav Air Force and the City of Belgrade will be ...

25 years ago

The same kind that sold the germans Zylon-B cyanide gas. * It was developed within. Care to add a couple letters more to the "brandname"? The is no di...

25 years ago

What's a Moisha? Without an indefinite article. You, probably, know it already, but anyways - Moisha is a Judendeutch for Moshe, or Moses.

25 years ago

All the more reason to connect those two together - Bacon boasted once of being with the derivatives market, and now that real Berstain stuff provided...

25 years ago

Second, every negative expresion towards Russian women and there will be one more dead Jew. I promise it. * You run an assassin "office"?

25 years ago

L'-san, what a volley of schrapnel! I hope "he" was "stuffed".:o))

25 years ago

Just right.

25 years ago

But then again if it was a loan the U.S. would receive the loan back with intrest, but I doubt the U.S. will see anything back. * All right, to spare ...

25 years ago

Hi, KA! Then dry yourselves up. What else can I do for Russians, only to advise properly and hope for the best. :o)))))))))))) [winks]

25 years ago
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