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Joined: September 18, 2007 4:12 pm
Topics: 3 / Replies: 234

On all of RF TV goes the story, that a fundie "retreat" from Grozny was a result of a RF Army planned hoax to rid the town of them without further fig...

25 years ago

Woah. The family of Maskhadov is really in some undisclosed location within Russia. And got transferred there two weeks ago.

25 years ago

20 YEARS AGO, I USED TO DRILL OIL IN DHARRAN, SAUDI ARABIA. Lamer, learn spelling of the name. He-he. You haven't been there. Pity You. Your pare...

25 years ago

Kim Arx, the events in two papers, sent to... for relay, may seem a bit "outdated", but the generalities... Hope, it'll be of interest.

25 years ago

Rambo, You can't read, darling. Why should I bother with answers? Get used to the idea, that an ordinary European is way more developed in terms ...

25 years ago

I HAVE BEEN TOLD THAT I HAVE A GREAT BODY FULL OF MUSCLES. Rambo, fetch from Your doctor a certificate, that Your head is also full of at least someth...

25 years ago

I DO BODYBUILDING FOR SIX YEARS. There goes the brain.

25 years ago

Kim Arx, roger.

25 years ago

Kim Arx, as long as the issue remains confined to academic instituions and the general population is kept mushroomed - "nothing to worry". But time ju...

25 years ago

L'menexe, seems, You missed the post, and it got lost among religious junk. Of what I remember - "Domo arigato" was the first line. Kim Arx, "To ...

25 years ago

Kim Arx. It's not my sys, actually. (My sys's Linux, :o)), joke). The whole scene resembles a Super Bowl playoff with, say, the "West" jeeri...

25 years ago

Texan, didn't I mention that Your parents are sorry misers economising on condomes?

25 years ago

He-he. Another/same impostor-idiot, that didn't know it wouldn't work. Thanks for disseminating my thoughts anyways. P.S. Some moslem - care...

25 years ago

Doesn't it look like an extension to witch-hunt, sort of a now-popular-witch Russia chase? An exact extention of the infamous CNN MB on Kosovo. S...

25 years ago

Doesn't it look like an extension to witch-hunt, sort of a now-popular-witch Russia chase? An exact extention of the infamous CNN MB on Kosovo. S...

25 years ago
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