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Joined: March 16, 2002 5:04 am
Topics: 0 / Replies: 4

Laurie is looking for Philomena Saunders & is very concerned as to her whereabouts. She worked in the nearby Pre School & would often have lun...

23 years ago

Looking for Philomena Saunders, she worked in the Pre School nearby & had lunch in the centre. Laurie is very concerned as to her whereabouts!!!

23 years ago

I am looking for Philomena Saunders, who worked at the Pre school nearby. She had lunch in the centre at times. Laurie is very concerned as to her whe...

23 years ago

I am looking for Philomena Saunders, who worked at the Pre School nearby & had lunch in The Centre sometimes. Laurie is very concerned!!!

23 years ago