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Joined: January 19, 2000 6:03 pm
Topics: 0 / Replies: 17

Interesting analogies, Chechnya is like a Vietnam or Afghanistan.I think that much is true because the type of war these guerrilas are waging is a hit...

25 years ago

Bandits in Kosovo is a term being currently used by the Russian Military to wage their war on Chechnya and I don't buy into it. I believe it'...

25 years ago

Well let me join the debate. First off Antonio your opinions on how you would have dealt with the US and Britain would have caused more people to suff...

25 years ago

I can't believe the show that goes on here. It seems people are more interested in dogging each other and the Chechnya issue is no longer a focus...

25 years ago

Antonio you seem to be open-minded and very well informed on the Kosovo issue. I read your manuscript and agree on some points you made. I'm Amer...

25 years ago

The Reconstruction of Chechnya is a Russian Issue. Grozny itself must be a problem due to the sheer extent of damage caused there. Russia destroyed it...

25 years ago

Glad to join the melee. First off I'd like to comment on the espionage issue. We Americans know that at any given time your phone line could be w...

25 years ago

I will try Kiska and I'll see what happens, thanks for the advice. I'll ask her out to the movies and I'll use that phrase, except I ne...

25 years ago

The new Coalition has merit. Maybe you guys can pull off a presidential election in Russia. BillJ Public Relations Ambassador that's funny, so fa...

25 years ago

Well I've read some of the postings and the first part definitely caught my attention. I guess Russia feels good about it's progress, but wh...

25 years ago

Here is what i don't understand about Islam. the rules that are to be abided by sound like a different version of christianity. How can someone p...

25 years ago

So much hatred on this message board, it's gotten out of hand. I have a problem with ignorant people and people who generalize, for example, the ...

25 years ago

Well I'm with you guys and i definitely need to get back to work, hasta manana (until tomorrow).

25 years ago

If it's true about the withdrawal, I don't think Russia will admit defeat. Well I guess Grozny is just like Belgrade except probably worst. ...

25 years ago

Men will be men or should I say boys. Anyways in reality if the captured General is still alive, which i doubt, they will probably torture him and kil...

25 years ago
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