Active Member
Joined: August 27, 1999 4:11 am
Topics: 0 / Replies: 5

my email address for anyone over in america who wants to talk about things is

24 years ago

i wish to expressed my heart felt sorrow for all those affected by these deliberate acts of murder and destruction. not once have i watched the news a...

24 years ago

Anyone with information on Lorraine Antigua, who worked on 104th Floor in Tower 2 for Kanter Fitzgerald, please call her husband AL and her children A...

24 years ago

We live in the Albany, Upstate New York area and we will offer whatever possible to ease the pain and suffering of survivors, their families, and vict...

24 years ago

does anyone know of cemil konuralp and his family? they have Runner tours and may have been in istanbul at the time of the quake...if you have seen th...

26 years ago