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Joined: September 18, 2007 4:12 pm
Topics: 0 / Replies: 50

Well, Kim, I see all these posts - "I was on a receiving end of the most disgusting posts", "I stood up for others and got [you know what]", "No one p...

25 years ago

Consistency, I like that. Paragraph, Jake published with an attached title "Why kosher is better", is cut-pasted from one of the articles from the web...

25 years ago

Mea culpa, THX, sorry if I hurt your feelings. Your constant attempts to assume a Rodin's Thinker pose coupled with inability to make a point do ...

25 years ago

Kim, the answers are: 1. DMS; 2. No process available to us, it's a private board (look at the note under posting textarea); 3. Yes, board admi...

25 years ago

By Dimitri ( - on Thursday, July 13, 2000 - 11:25 pm: """Go for larger picture, Dimitri.""" enlarging it as we speak.. Touché.

25 years ago
Reply simply cannot see the larger picture and view the events in Chechnya as occuring in a bottle separate from the rest of the world. Does it mea...

25 years ago

L'menexe, power comes with notoriety, get used to it! :-) Meantime, we all should raise our voices to support our other fundamental right - righ...

25 years ago

L'menexe sets standards, trades favors, shoots prominent board members like ducks and in many other similar ways violates such basic human rights...

25 years ago

God, it's getting even better than ever... THX all in doubts again. Don't you worry, rights are well protected. Newspaper won't be shut...

25 years ago

And what if L'menexe does not own this board?

25 years ago

Looks like we are entering an era of l'menexe debate. Is he Mussollini or not? While everyone is thinking this important subject over - l'm...

25 years ago

How could I missed that - By THX1138 ( - on Tuesday, July 11, 2000 - 08:34 pm: Dmitri... Perhaps you should take some anger managemen...

25 years ago

Scary stuff, THX. That's a deal, no need to die to save your speech - buy a web space with your provider and post anything you want on your web p...

25 years ago

By IVAN Grozny ( - on Tuesday, July 11, 2000 - 06:55 pm: I think BARNSWEEIN should be kicked off.He has never not once mentioned anythi...

25 years ago

Oops, Antonio got TOSsed by DMS. Bummer. Only in America - guy gets free service, service gets revoked due to abuse - guy complains like both balls ...

25 years ago
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