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Joined: September 14, 2001 4:35 am
Topics: 0 / Replies: 8

AIRLINE SAFETY Why are the passengers bearing the burden that airlines are unable to provide safe air transportation ? I have a suggestion that migh...

23 years ago

To K. Wu for Tamin Ansary Part of the reply is in the London Times. 2001320010-2001325231%2C00.html/A> Secret plans for a 10-year war... No doubt in...

23 years ago

THE DARK SIDE OF FREEDOM I am a French citizen, who used to be in business with the U.S. during more than 20 years, many of them as a tour leader. I ...

23 years ago

THE DARK SIDE OF FREEDOM I am a French citizen, who used to be in business with the U.S. during more than 20 years, many of them as a tour leader. I ...

23 years ago

To MR : Hope getting low, that is the only thing you cannot afford. In America the public can put some pressure on the administration. Regards, Mic...

24 years ago

To Linda Scheidler: Linda, The U.S.A. always were on the side of freedom and will always be. It would be time NATO (including France) and other cou...

24 years ago

To Freedom Lives On Needless to say. I was not born yet, but many of us remember the U.S. have always been here for us when we needed them during pr...

24 years ago

Although I am not an american citizen, I spent over 20 years of career life in close business relationship with the United States. One of my first vi...

24 years ago