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Joined: September 18, 2007 4:12 pm
Topics: 0 / Replies: 5

Hello, My name is Mike, I am looking for Pete Pappas, He lived in Manhatten about 5miles or so I believe, I cannot get ahold of him in any way. If you...

24 years ago

If the NYPD needs assistance from other police departments to relieve their officers please emasil the Hazel Green Police Department Hazel Green WI a...

24 years ago

My sister works for Alaska and I know she is going through quite a difficult time with this crash. I can only imagine how family members of those who ...

25 years ago

>>By big di-ck into russian as-s. on Saturday, November 27, 1999 - 04:20 am: In the next century Russia will s@ck Chechen's d1ck!!! Ha ha...

25 years ago

I am sorry. As a teacher I was shocked at this. I am sad that so many of our students are so angry.

26 years ago