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Joined: September 18, 2007 4:12 pm
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Igor, I agree those are natural consiquences for bastards. I saw many people have doubt if the remaining chechens will calm down and adjust to new cap...

25 years ago

''We blocked a group of Chechens in one building and kept up such a heavy barrage they couldn't even stick their noses out,''...

25 years ago

Basaev as 'Shesterka' Garson of Berezovsky. I am amazed how all of us are so vulnarable to propaganda intocsication. We all tend to forget ...

25 years ago

Piople who sell other piople as slaves are not my brothers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

25 years ago

hello is any body her

25 years ago

I have ukranian, russian, polish, jewish and maslum blod in me. I was born in soviet union Kiev. I have nothing agenst any body in this world, but t...

25 years ago