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Joined: December 26, 1999 4:07 am
Topics: 2 / Replies: 90
Replies: 24
Views: 6931

Thank You Everest I don't think much of the Russian men, they are just a drunken bunch of smelly terrorists. The Russian women on the other hand...

25 years ago

hey Everest Where can I buy myself a few dozen Russian girls? you know Service on demand!

25 years ago

THIRD world trash abusing this AMERICAN message board!

25 years ago

Russian animals are only alive today, due to handouts from Americans. Also, could you Russian animals: Stop wholesale corruption Stop beating you...

25 years ago

igor aka fred is in fact THE BEGGAR CAVEMAN OF TOROTO

25 years ago

Russians are the worlds biggest terrorists, the biggest group involved in money laundering and wholesale drug dealing. The biggest group involved in t...

25 years ago

to Ultra Russian Nationalist only a dirty smelly Russian animal like you would be HAPPY AT THE SIGHT OF OLD WOMEN SUFFERING You pathetic beggar ani...

25 years ago

Notice how the Russian beggars here want everybody to be distracted from the FACT that: Russians are the worlds biggest terrorists, the biggest group...

25 years ago

By Caucasian ( - on Thursday, January 6, 2000 - 02:22 am: Hey, Armenian, I had no idea you understand French :o) ! BTW there's a hu...

25 years ago

CCF will be holding another anti-russian rally on the last friday of January (21). This will be held at the Webster Plaza, in downtown Pheonix. We wil...

25 years ago

Who Cares about Canada! They are a people with a huge chip on their shoulder! Armenien GET A JOB! stop swindling the American Taxpayer dumb swarth...

25 years ago

CCF will be holding another anti-russian rally on the last friday of January (21). This will be held at the Webster Plaza, in downtown Pheonix. We wil...

25 years ago

TO X Vousez petit couchant! Sorry my french is not as good as a third world immigrant like you. Try another language- I can read what you're s...

25 years ago

By x you don't know that millions of russians came to Canada (1930...). They are living in Alberta,Manitoba... Thank God, I don't live in...

25 years ago
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