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Joined: November 13, 1999 11:33 pm
Topics: 1 / Replies: 104

Udugov's take on Chechnya Conflict. The Doomed Struggle By Movladi Udugov Here I have some opportunities to set forth our view of today'...

25 years ago

Russian casualties continue to mount... Chechens claim 30 Russians dead, fighting returns to Grozny MOSCOW, April 25 (AFP) - Chechen rebels again s...

25 years ago

Igor, "The U.S. State Department estimates that Afghanistan’s opium production for 1999 exceeded 1,600 metric tons." Credible Source??? U.S. & I...

25 years ago

Igor, Credible source?

25 years ago

Igor, any more predictions? Russian Casualties Mount Friday 21 April 2000 The Mujahideen have continued to attack Russian forces across Chechnya. ...

25 years ago

Dimitri, "c'mon now, reply ASAP, I need an dumbfuck(you) to play with and Allam isn't here." So you're admitting you lost the war of...

25 years ago

It is no secret that charter flights loads of Russian women are flocking to the oil rich Emirates. I saw even working class women loitering in dinghi ...

25 years ago

>> Funny how you alway says that Northern Alliance mujahideen (with the help of Allah) got rid of Soviet Army yet << Reread the message. ...

25 years ago

Kisako, Recently a special program "Crime in Russia" aired on ABC stated that an amazing 140,000 police force is needed to curb crime in Moscow alone...

25 years ago

Kim, "Isn't it already being used? Does that include foreigners like Bin Ladin and other foreign mujahadeen? What in your opinion, would it ta...

25 years ago

News from Bandit country Russian Mafias Fight Bloody War in Crime Capital SAINT PETERSBURG, Apr 19, 2000 -- (Agence France Presse) Saint Petersburg...

25 years ago

Excellent article shows the wanton destruction of once beautiful Russian city. Also throws light on the sinister plot to bring former spy to power. ...

25 years ago

Sergie was talking tough few weeks back and now anyone can read between the lines that hard times are ahead for the Vodka Army. Now the traitor Gantim...

25 years ago

The rivalry that keeps Afghanistan in a perpetual state of economic and political instability is complicated by foreign participants vying for access ...

25 years ago

The conflict in Chechnya is just the tip of the iceberg of the real battle that has pitted Russia and its supporters against the upholders of freedom ...

25 years ago
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