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Joined: September 18, 2007 4:12 pm
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Looking for Eddie Schunk, Cantor-Fitz, 101st floor. Any info, please email

24 years ago

Jeff Ehret, New York Firefighter. Info on his where-abouts? Sam

24 years ago

Dimmie sick of getting it up your A5S. LOL... Don't worry, that Ukranian Wh0re you call a mother can explain all about it... LOL... By Ultra Na...

24 years ago

This has got nothing to do with growing up... this has to do with your sexual prefrences and you taking it up the Sh!t hole...

24 years ago

you are so gay. youre such a fag... I can't even get myself to reply to your queerness. game/set/match... what is that? fudgepacker lingo.......

24 years ago

Lmx don't u have to suck something... clear out... d!ck breatch

24 years ago

Can u possibly believe the hypocracy on this board. Its amazing. we got this half Nazi talking about racism. Do u see how absurd that is... A NA...

24 years ago

Hey KIKE, How many Jews fit into into a gas chamber? - - - - about 6 million. give or take a couple. LMAO...

24 years ago

LMAO... Did you actually read what ur writing. If I didn't know u better I would think youre mad. Except I know that mixing Nazi blood with Ara...

24 years ago

Kim you should ask the half NAZI Kissie about the sleazy A-rabs. Half Nazi/half A-rab... LOL... with a jew passport. LOL....

24 years ago

come out come out were ever you are . Kim ARSE is still hangin around, like fleece on a pile of dung. I bet you have a huge a5s kim... Im right ar...

24 years ago

BIATCHHHHHH.... At least put up a fight... d!ck breath. Its easy to turn your back on these boards... wasn;t always this easy in the Gulag. what...

24 years ago

URN ONCE SAID; that fatherless bastards from Ukranian wh0res were taken to the Gulags in Siberia to serve as man-wh0res for the prison population? ...

24 years ago

Did that "Ukranian wh0re you call a mother" enjoy getting rimmed by the strange sailor for a ruble. and raising a bastard? bet it was tough raising ...

24 years ago

maybe i stick in you like the sailor stick it in your mother. bring back all the old memories. FLASHBACK. LOL "go SLAP THAT UKRANIAN WH0RE YOU CALL ...

24 years ago
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