Eminent Member
Joined: September 18, 2007 4:12 pm
Topics: 1 / Replies: 32

For too long this board has been infested by Igor and his Russian baboon comrades. Russians belong in the jungles of Africa, swinging on the trees not...

25 years ago

The jungle monkey Igor, is now calling himself Chorny volk!

25 years ago

These Russian welfare baboons never stop They really belong in the jungles of Africa The day will come when Igor and his inferior kind kneel before t...

25 years ago

Russian goy animals ONLY YAP YAP YAP and bore this board to death BEGGING, YAPPING, DRINKING Thats what Russians are good for

25 years ago

Somebody tell Igor - he is the most repulsive, boring Russian beggar goy on the face of the planet. AND A COWARD This welfare Russian should concentr...

25 years ago

Once more the pee stained Igor has began boring this board with his garbage class posts. Even by reduced goyim standards, this particular beast is com...

25 years ago

looks to me that inferior woman hairy is now joing in with Igor TO BORE THIS BOARD TO DEATH! Woman, please get back to your kitchen. Politices is a m...

25 years ago

My posts are ONLY directed at Igor and lazy Russians. OTHER PERSONS MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS OK. The Sephardic are Never intimidated by goyim

25 years ago

By L'menexe ( - on Wednesday, July 26, 2000 - 11:24 am: BER-STEEEN: speaking for myself, you are a vile creature who does not de...

25 years ago

I believe, like most other members of this board that Igor is nothing but a pee stained menace. Instead of looking for a job, this welfare Russian hau...

25 years ago

I am in the process of putting together a collection of dog food and used toilet paper to send to Igor and the other Russian beggars living of the Can...

25 years ago

i also beleive igor is now hding behind the name of chorny volk! What an idiot this goy must be thnking i could not spot him! Ok Russian goy dog, you...

25 years ago

once more the pee stained Igor is BORING THIS BOARD TO DEATH. I am sick of him. All this filthy Russian used to do before he began boring us, was u...

25 years ago

Israel should immediately deport all Russians back to mother Russia. As we are a generous people, we will give each Russian family(usually large- Russ...

25 years ago

The biggest problem facing Israel and the West is the large influx of lazy Russians, who either deal drugs or live of welfare like Igor. The Sephardi...

25 years ago
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