Estimable Member
Joined: November 1, 1999 2:17 pm
Topics: 2 / Replies: 120

wow. nice work with the IP Number...

25 years ago

What kind of Arrogance does it take for the Americans to claim that if Russians fight a war they can ONLY kill armed men that they can see in front of...

25 years ago

when Russia preps Chechnya with air and Artillery strikes you call it Genocide

25 years ago

when US nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki it was called Saving American Lives

25 years ago

let's see, when the Allies Destroyed German cities it was Strategic Bombing

25 years ago

Collateral Damage

25 years ago

You idiots, post links.

25 years ago

"The situation becomes even harder with the absence of the international and humanitarian organizations. The Chechen children feel puzzled when they h...

25 years ago

"And the worst part is that the mines were deviously designed in the forms of toys and household tools so as to make the children the largest portion ...

25 years ago

To Light and religious advocates: People claim that many of Nausterdaumus's predictions came true. Is he also your God? Then again people say th...

25 years ago

Ismael: I got your e-mail. So did Yahoo administration and they promised to give it to the proper authorities.

25 years ago

To Jake: You are right, ethnically I am a jew, and will remain so. I support the Jewish people, but I don't believe in God. Once again, your cla...

25 years ago

to blackjack, Interesting. I especially like the part where the article says "Russian troops invaded Dagestan." Tbilisi, eh? Isn't that where t...

25 years ago

to Omar, out of respect for others, since this is not a message board about religion, I will try not post religious discussions here. However, I am s...

25 years ago

Aaron, I am not Jewish. I am athiest. I do not believe in God's Existance. No religion has been able to prove it to me. I do however support th...

25 years ago
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