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Joined: November 1, 1999 2:17 pm
Topics: 2 / Replies: 120

"those photographed in front of the bodies of our citizens." AFP quoting Putin ``Russia is prepared for a political settlement to the Chechen proble...

25 years ago

"Russian military sources also reported Saturday they had fought off an attack by 400 rebel fighters to the south of the capital. Most of the fighters...

25 years ago

tsk. tsk.

25 years ago
Replies: 42
Views: 11028

"vodka drugged Russian brutes" Uhm, I belive the term is 'drunk' not 'vodka drugged'

25 years ago

To Saladin: Please do tell me about Chechen unity. Was it a Govmn't order to attack Dagestan? I do want to hear your reply

25 years ago

To Saladin: They defended the legendary Brest Garrison outside of Stalingrad during WWII Woah!!! i am confused. Isn't Brest in Belarus? And did...

25 years ago

To Saladin. You said a Chechen banner would be flying over Kremlin. Which Chachen Clan banner were you reffering to?

25 years ago

i meant russian economy.

25 years ago

How the West Won the Oil History Do you remember the Iran-Contra Scandal? What was that all about? The US was selling weapons to Iran to finance t...

25 years ago

RETARD: S.M. =/= Super Man S.M. = Spider Man

25 years ago
Replies: 41
Views: 11504

To Malcom: There is NO such thing called SOUL. God does not exist. "Organized religion is a sham and a crutch for weak-minded people who need streng...

25 years ago

to exposer: check earlier record of this board when the whole issue of the English Language came up. Sure Americans study languages. I however, was r...

25 years ago

Kissie, Sad, but true. it's the mentality 'I am an American. I am better than you are. If you want to speak to me, you learn English.'...

25 years ago
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