Estimable Member
Joined: November 1, 1999 2:17 pm
Topics: 2 / Replies: 120

Kissie, KA3AK, posted the link earlier, but its in Russian, so its useless for the westerners. Thanks for bringing it up though, it was a huge develo...

25 years ago

Kissie, KA3AK posted the link to the news report earlier today. Unfortunatly, it's in Russian, so it's little use for using as an argument...

25 years ago

To Ruslan and Malcom X(kill whitey): I now declare myself a muslim. Please call me brother from now on and blindly support me in anything that I do.

25 years ago

To Ivan Petrov: Your opinion is not welcome here. As far as I am concerned, and I believe others on this board will agree with me. You are as stupid ...

25 years ago

To Shannon: You are unbelievebly ignorant! Do you believe everuthing that you see on TV? Have you ever heard of yellow journalism? Did you cry when y...

25 years ago


25 years ago

To those who Think Russia Orchestrated the Bombings: Since it's Veteran's Day, here's a little piece of American history. On the onset...

25 years ago

To KA3AK: Thanks.

25 years ago

How about a prayer for the Serbs being killed by Kosovars as the NATO 'peace keeping' force is unable to do anything about it?

25 years ago

To Kissie: surprise. surprise.. the American connection to Chechnya is starting to become more and more obvious. Making deals with Satan for a little...

25 years ago

ATTENTION I would like to request a MOMENT OF SILENCE in HONOR of American Veterans who throught USA History have bravely fought MEXICO, VIETNAM, NA...

25 years ago

To Roger: How one-sided you are. Ok. You have your stereotype and are going to stick by it. Fine. That's your problem. Now, lets discuss the im...

25 years ago

TEXAN: WHO IS HE? Your questions answered here. Yahoo PROFILE SEARCH has come up with an address almost identical to the one TEXAN uses: JohnWesleyE...

25 years ago

to basher of stupid people, thanks for your support. Ruslan was trying to pervert my arguments. to texan: You BIG oil man, how stupid are you? Oh ...

25 years ago

Or would have liked to be a Native American when English colonists cleared the East Coast of any non-whites? Or perhaps a negro when the British '...

25 years ago
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