Estimable Member
Joined: November 1, 1999 2:17 pm
Topics: 2 / Replies: 120

Would you also like to have lived on Islands In the Pacific when English ship cannons and bayonets commited acts of genocide against the natives?

25 years ago

To Ruslan: It is curious that you are so quick to believ Leo Tolstoy. Perhaps you should read the posting by Shamil not Basaev. Also go to www.ANTIW...

25 years ago

I am sorry for your loss. I am not sure what to say. This conflict is all about propoganda and in this day and age the West controls it and has turned...

25 years ago

Philip Cross is merely a puppet of the media: he regurgitates horror stories of suffering babies, damsels in distress, and old men. These stories are ...

25 years ago

To: Shamil not Basaev So do you agree that Chechen rebells are just using Islam as a cover to attract some sympathy?

25 years ago

TO THOSE OF YOU WHO ARE GENUINLY INTERESTED IN THE CONFLICT: Take a look at: This is a non-biased source with media-critical opinions...

25 years ago

Now that idiots like Ivan Petrov and Texan have shut there mouths, I ask a question for all of you who are outraged at the refugee conditions: Why d...

25 years ago

This is truly sad. You have degenerated to nothing more than a bunch of barking dogs (both sides), only dogs lack intelligence. Until this message boa...

25 years ago

Pioneers of the Human race! ha.. it wasn't too long ago when they were licking the boots of the Roman Empire. But then again, that was when they ...

25 years ago

Way to go Shiva and Lego..! The sad thing is that Philip and Texan are so fu@kin ignorant that they'll never realize just how pathetic they and t...

25 years ago

to lego, I know what you mean. We have already brought up all the injustices that the British themselves have committed and still are committing, eve...

25 years ago

Russian Mafia may launder money through the US and other Western European countries. However, they have not been proven GUILTY of stealing IMF money. ...

25 years ago

Philip, Get your head of Texan's a$$. I have already posted a direct quote from IMF that denies IMF fund theft by Russia. Go to and...

25 years ago

Kissie: thanks.

25 years ago

First of all, I am of Jewish origin, I support Jews, but as I have posted before, I am an athiest. Second, Lev Tolstoy, I do not hate anyone. If yo...

25 years ago
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