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Joined: November 1, 1999 2:17 pm
Topics: 2 / Replies: 120

... The lack of authority in the region is more of a threat to the people than Russian military. If the military doesn't stabilize Chechnya, than...

25 years ago

Yes I know of Brest. I visited it. It is in Belarus. How did Chechens and Dagestanis get all the way to Belarus? The story of Brest that I heard didn&...

25 years ago

to Kissie and BJ, how do you do BOLD and ITALICS? thanks. Also take a look here for info from HRW on info that it is likely that Chechen Rebels w...

25 years ago

To Philip: No we didn't leave Russia via Israel. Actually very few people that we know did. Russia is a terrorist nation: check your head. Russ...

25 years ago

"This is lie. It was done by russian secret services with the purpose to blame Chechens and muslims of Caucasus." I have another great consiparacy t...

25 years ago

Lev Tolstoy: Didn't the Chechens assist the Nazis during World War II? Didn't the Cossacs ally themselves with the Czar during the Russian ...

25 years ago

If anyone has any actual arguments agains these FACTS I will be glad to talk to them. Or if you have any other RELEVANT FACTS. Otherwise, you shouldn&...

25 years ago

The truth is that I don't like Russia. My family moved because as Jews we were discriminated against. Yes, Russia is corrupt. Mafia has taken ove...

25 years ago

To Kissie: If Philip had any brains, he would have read my posting yesterday were I quoted the IMF in saying that IMF found no evidence that their f...

25 years ago

To Kissie and Blackjack Hey fellas, what about forming homo-cock-sucking club on this website. I will join with you..

25 years ago

Outstanding debt to the UN (1997) US - 312,050,284 %total debt 49% Russia - 45,478,867 %total debt 4% UK - 33,195,354 %total debt 3% Mos...

25 years ago

· The International Monetary Fund takes very seriously the recent allegations in the press that funds advanced to Russia may have been diverted fro...

25 years ago

TO CROSS, TEXAN, KERIM, AND other pro-Chechens What kind of sense is it for civilians to flee into the country that's attacking them? (especiall...

25 years ago

To Kerim: (and others, BJ, and Kissie) In response to your quote saying that the pilot was happy to kill Chechens, here is rest of his quotes: Major...

25 years ago

BORDER PATROL: Chechnya claims to be an independent nation. Then, what right do they have to cross into Russia? If Chechens do not like Russia, then...

25 years ago
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