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Joined: September 13, 2001 1:02 am
Topics: 0 / Replies: 9

Dear ticked: I read your post, and it made me very sad. How can you not see the irony in the statements you just made? Can you not see how similar...

24 years ago

Perhaps I overspoke myself. For that, I apologize. I never claimed to know what everyone else is feeling. Nor did I claim that all people who expe...

24 years ago

And another thing... There seems to be a misconception held by many contributors to this forum that the American people are 100% in favor of going ...

24 years ago

I am STILL amazed at the number of people who keep saying things like: "Them" and "Those people" and "They" and of course, endearing terms like "sa...

24 years ago

People, What those of us who are crying for war fail to realize is that we lack one of the required ingredients for a war: two opposing sides! Ma...

24 years ago

If I can make a rather distasteful analogy.... But first, a caveat: Personally, I have never been the victim of a rape or attempted rape. I have, h...

24 years ago

Dear skye911: I'll bet that even some of the "God-fearing" people on those planes were scared. Fear is a very real and natural force in our li...

24 years ago

To the indivual who refers to himself as "Americans" You wrote: "We did not call for the extermination of arabs, we call for a unified American bo...

24 years ago

The incidents on Tuesday took thousands of lives. But in a sense, we are all victims of these attacks. One of the unfortunate consequences of terro...

24 years ago