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Joined: January 17, 2000 2:55 pm
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WHY ARE THE RUSSIANS SCARED OF THE TRUTH? =========================================== Saturday, January 29, 2000 Chechen Civilians Perish in Russia...

25 years ago

WHY ARE THE RUSSIANS SO SCARED OF THE TRUTH? ============================================ A Chechen Breaks Russia's Information Blockade A Ch...

25 years ago

Saturday, January 29, 2000 Chechen Information War Escalates Journalists investigating the scale of Russian losses in Chechnya are facing increasin...

25 years ago

Hey! What are the Russians are scared of...? Answer: THE TRUTH!!!

25 years ago

like I said, Igor: You cannot find the truth about Islam and Muslims from our historic enemies in the east and the west - do you think that the coun...

25 years ago

igor We all know Bodansky to be an anti-Muslim, Zionist who has somehow gotten himself heard in higher circles. You are free to believe him if you ch...

25 years ago

svoloch No it was not the Chechens who attacked Daghestan - it was the Russian Army who was trying to stop Daghestan from being united with Chechnya...

25 years ago

igor Who is a bandit? One who comes to your land, bombs it, kills its citizenry and plunders its homes or One who is defending that land against...

25 years ago

igor How do you spell victory? VAPOUR BOMBS Burn on earth then in hell ...And how do you spell "Friendly Fire" Or - how about your vapor bombs getti...

25 years ago