Prominent Member
Joined: September 18, 2007 4:12 pm
Topics: 4 / Replies: 831

Kisako: you must've really struck a nerve; a pile of EXCREMENT (possibly the alleged "gay blade/captain america" or the alleged "jumping jew") t...

24 years ago

BACON: be advised you'll be on 'auto-delete' if you start trouble. FAKE: be advised that you are _permanently_ on 'auto-dele...

24 years ago

Shalom, Kisako! 1402 _always_ for you. _still_. ====================================== perhaps our Moderatrix knows how to post pictures here; true,...

24 years ago

now that you mention it, the air in here smells better already. nice. === always for you, K-san ===

24 years ago

FARIS HOMOUD: no we're not "nuts". you used that abusive phrase more than once. pince cabron! and not only are we not "nuts" but you are BANNE...

24 years ago

m'sieu Ledingue: i cant answer yr question, sorry. dunno the answer. if,as i'm planning, i do some traveling in the summer/fall, i do be...

24 years ago

aw, man, the presumptous, high-and-mighty BACON at USC? lololololololololol axually, early this year someone named BACON posted at USC, to wit: "ki...

24 years ago

0626 righty-o! ======= always pour toi, K-san [dsh] ======= thank you, ms moderatrix....

24 years ago

...and what's more, FAKE, you have forgotten how you made fun of Kim [twice] for what you believed was "weight gain of a young mother" ...Kim w...

24 years ago

"so anyone who says i was attacking blindly is wrong" == LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL you 'attacked' [kisako et moi] RIGHT ON TARGET, FAKE! ....and...

24 years ago

BACON: get real, pendejo. for at least a year and a half now, you have put on a rather convincing exhibition of being a 'jew hater', the ove...

24 years ago

BACON: you stereotypical jew hater IMBECILE. === Kisako was RELENTLESSLY ATTACKED HERE simply for being JEWISH and FEMALE. === ...and if you miss you...

24 years ago

Ohaya, Kim! 0754 == you've seen subsequent mail from me; i understand yr 'figure of speech'...'sokay. i liked yr playing off of ...

24 years ago

BACON: "low level operative"? Kim is the _moderator_ of the page. pince cabron! be good for goodness' sake. -_- ==== {3sk}

24 years ago

BACON: watch and see. ==== [dsh]

24 years ago
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