Eminent Member
Joined: September 16, 2001 4:00 am
Topics: 1 / Replies: 35

John, What are we supposed to do? Just let them kill 5,000 people and say they mean nothing to us. These people were from all nationalities not jus...

23 years ago

Disgusted woman, I want to know what makes you think that we are starving afgans. Many of them were already grief stricken by the loss of husbands a...

23 years ago

Fred, I was agreeing with you. Apparently, you didnt' realize it. They did say that normally there is 40,000 to 50000 in those towers. So the ...

23 years ago

Fred that's what i thought. But the way i understood it only about 20,000 had arrived at work already. 40 to 50 thousand worked in that tower.

23 years ago

ilona, We become the people we are by genetics, parenting skills, and social environment. If you think about it more women work now so more children...

23 years ago

A lot of what compassion said is true but we as teachers are only allowed to teach what the parents let us. In my state we have adopted a new curricu...

23 years ago

Dear compassion, I am a teacher and I do teach moral values in my classroom. THere is one problem though God has been taken out of education. We are...

23 years ago

Janine, Well, I know that the terrorist are muslims but lets look back in history. Do we need to get the chinese and Japenese out of our country too?...

23 years ago

Kelly, I think it is wrong to make a judgement about all Islamic people. We must respect their religion just like we want respect for ours. I am 31...

23 years ago

Just the facts, I agree with a lot of what you said. It is our choices that cause many things to happen.

23 years ago

Questions, I felt much the way you did until 5 years ago. On September 22, 1996 I lost someone that I loved dearly to a fatal car accident. I was ...

23 years ago

My heart fealt condolences go out to everyone. I don't know if this can help but here an active list of forums on the Internet.

23 years ago

Dear questions, God allows things to happen where we can learn from them. Though there is much pain at these time we will become stronger in him if ...

23 years ago
Replies: 99
Views: 23262

We will never agree on the religion issues. We the Americans of all religions feel that there needs to be an end to terrorism. To afganistan it might ...

24 years ago
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