Eminent Member
Joined: February 1, 2000 3:15 am
Topics: 0 / Replies: 47

To: Dima Slojnyak verno s etimi tupogolovymi razgovarivat' celymi dnyami? :)

25 years ago

To: Ibn 'Umar WARNING! This might happen to anybody with a local news station instead of brains in one's head. :)

25 years ago

To: Proud Turk the Kurd Murderer In my humble understanding the Kurd problem is your favorite one? :) And there's another question: why are you g...

25 years ago

To: Proud Turk (and other feathery animals) I'm so glad you've just given Kurdistan its independency. Here comes another Nobel prize winner....

25 years ago

And in the latest news, the world's history has been once again rewritten by the greatest historian that has ever lived on the face of the Earth,...

25 years ago

To: Forpe Kiss my one-way firewall in port 80 Mr. Wanna-be-hacker.

25 years ago

To: Dima Yes, you are absolutely right my friend, Mr. Proud Turk is only shitting on other nations' problems forgetting that there's a lot o...

25 years ago

To: Forpe Don't take it personally but you must remember the commercial where a small boy says "AOL is so easy even my dad uses it". I've he...

25 years ago

To: Turk It does take you a while to read trough and reply to old messages. I think it's time for you to learn the language and stop using dictio...

25 years ago

Hello my dear pro-Russian comrads and pro-Chechen morons. Glad to see yal here again having sucha friendly and soft spoken conversation. I want to get...

25 years ago

To: Dimitry His mom probably caught him bouncing his little one in front of the monitor. We won't see him here for a while - the kid is grounded

25 years ago

To: b Man, u must be having hard times raising your manhood, can't even stop talking about it? The Orlando weather is having really bad effect on...

25 years ago

"Rebel fighters who withdrew from Grozny last week have acknowledged by far their worst losses yet. Many were killed and wounded crossing minefields....

25 years ago

To Igor A good news indeed. This calls for celebration :)

25 years ago

To Balalaika The guy is calling you a HOHOL and despite that your are still trying to defend them? These people do not have respect for nothing but on...

25 years ago
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