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Joined: September 18, 2007 4:12 pm
Topics: 0 / Replies: 51

Shwartzvolfe would you like to invite Antranik back to explode this idyllic board into the pieces? Sure you do. Delenn- !

24 years ago

You, r wright and wrong... Realy, I'm not a financial consultant, so any local hard currency like salo or gashish is not my cup of tea, but I nev...

25 years ago

actually Laki is a small population in Dagestan and alewhoandro must be Lewhoindrao. Did those black sheepa bite your ....? Cheers.

25 years ago

Áëÿ, Èãîðü íåïðîáèâàåìûé!!!!

25 years ago

and this is a thank's note to ABY, JOHN-YZBEK, CHINA, LOCH, ABY & BOSNA- your last postings guys are mostly reasonable,appropriate,thoughtf...

25 years ago

Once upon a time there was Igor looking after his sheep at his backyard on the edge of a canadian road. Suddenly a brand new Jeep Cherokee screeches t...

25 years ago

Cheers, Rogazzo!!

25 years ago

To whom it might concern:... Jokes of the week; 1.-Hmm, Chechnia-chmoechnia, who cares, The important thing I'm on both tabloids.; -- 2. Mitec...

25 years ago

Looks like Canadian Salo has very distinct knowlage of muslims nature, and has had some bad experiense with jew, or just rumor. Rasism isn't give...

25 years ago

Not formerly but now, not Byelarus but Laki, not known but famous and not Alex but Rabinoveichhhh. Mitek, you beat Igor in JAKES JUDGMENT!!! But loosi...

25 years ago

They already ay east. Europa ends at Visla (Vistula)

25 years ago

To say ukrainian is the same russian but better, is to say that carriage is the auto but better. One can compair stubborn, with specific sence of humo...

25 years ago

L,menexe, Mary, please stop that miniChechnia, you can do it right and better with real target. Imagine Allam is back exclaming- Hey, kids I'm he...

25 years ago

THX, dont go avay. If you read previous Igors post you may place some comments, is it realy so that west lost a puls of events in Russia or in contrar...

25 years ago

Telereporter from Minsk Zavadsky also dissapiared in airport with no evidences. L,Menex-san, bardzo thank you. Pan pevnie comprende ale ne vshistko.

25 years ago
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