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Archive through April 1, 2000

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No it's not a spelling error AllAm. Just hit the "n" key twice. Anyways, I'm off to the spa for a relaxing massage.

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People do make mistakes; just ask your parents. LOL.

Actually it's OK I didn't notice the error until you mentioned it - I was too busy wondering how sick & demented you'd have to be to actually write a message like that, let alone think of one.

How very lady-like - I mean Hairy-like! LOL.

And trust me Hairy, you do not have to tell me that you are off to the Spa - everybody knows its a lie since most are off limits to nasty YARD APES.

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Serbs held in camps

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ref. above article.

There is a clear difference between a bunch of thugs kidnapping a total number 50 people over the course of 2 years than a State Policy that condones and facilitates acts of torture, rape and genocide…

I hope you can see the difference.

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This has been going on for a lot more than 2 years. Have to go take the beast out now,back later.

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The UN concluded that a special group of Bosnian Muslim forces, many of whom had served with Islamic terrorist organizations, committed a series of atrocities ... against Bosnian Muslim civilians in Sarajevo as a propaganda ploy to win world sympathy and military intervention. Yossef Bodansky, author of "Offensive in the Balkans".

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There were Albanian concentration camps filled with Serbs during Yugoslav rule???

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There is no difference between an author and a columnist. Just because it's in a book doesn't mean its true.
Even if it was - were is the proof? It's still his opinion. LOL.

Your hatred to all non-Jews is making you say the stupidest and most idiotic things.

Ya Half Nazi.

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The agenda and venom behind Yossef Bodansky the Zionist dog does not need validation.

It is besides the point. Now here is another sign which will herald 'Beginning of the end of Russia'
No doubt about the pathetic state of affairs of the bandit country.

Two Russian Teenage Girls Slash Boy To Death

MOSCOW, Apr 1, 2000 -- (Reuters) Two runaway girls in a remote Russian town slashed a 10-year-old boy to death with bits of broken glass because they thought he had robbed them of two dollars, Itar-Tass news agency said on Friday.

The girls, aged 13 and 14, ran away from their families in a small town near the Plesetsk space launch pad in the arctic Archangel region and made friends with the boy, who was also a vagabond.

Tass quoted local police as saying that, after several days together, they accused the boy of stealing 50 rubles ($1.75) from them and stabbed him to death with the broken glass.

The girls, who left the body lying in a street, were later arrested.

Gangs of homeless children have become a familiar sight in Russia since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. They live by begging, theft and prostitution. Violent crimes are not unusual among them.

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Kissie and Igor should go on a date... LMAO

Igor I suggest taking along "the beast" for protection incase Kissie gets frisky.


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By Hairy Mary ( - on Saturday, April 1, 2000 - 07:40 am: JAKE B... May 1000 crusty camel herders de-louse themselves in your annal cavity.

Very interesting reflection on the Bible! I think that the credit for that goes to our phony Jake indeed: he is not only baiting antisemites, but also provoking a creativity.

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YO Mask...You betcha. HA HA HA

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AllAmerican...I'm back...feeling ohhh so relaxed, besides massage also had facial and sauna. "To the good life." If you can somehow motivate yourself on to the 9th grade and eventually developing aspirations to continue on educationally, you may end up with a real job instead of being a tow cluck, sorry meant tow truck driver. Then, perhaps you can experience some of the finer things that life can offer.

On another note, some of the names that you frequently use ie., Yard Ape, Sand Yak etc., these expression appear to be in-graved upon you, perhaps a carry over from childhood. Are these terms that your father uttered to the female members of your family? HA HA HA.

Now, please, go forth and earn a life for yourself, make us all proud, it's not often that we can have the opportunity to watch someone such as yourself rise from the dumpster of life. We'll be watching. If you require any advise along they way, please don't hesitate to contact, Kissie, Kimmy or myself.

My house-cleaners downstairs just finished, must let them out.

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AllAmerican...I'm back...feeling ohhh so relaxed, besides massage also had facial and sauna. "To the good life." If you can somehow motivate yourself on to the 9th grade and eventually developing aspirations to continue on educationally, you may end up with a real job instead of being a tow cluck, sorry meant tow truck driver. Then, perhaps you can experience some of the finer things that life can offer.

On another note, some of the names that you frequently use ie., Yard Ape, Sand Yak etc., these expression appear to be in-graved upon you, perhaps a carry over from childhood. Are these terms that your father uttered to the female members of your family? HA HA HA.

Now, please, go forth and earn a life for yourself, make us all proud, it's not often that we can have the opportunity to watch someone such as yourself rise from the dumpster of life. If you require any advise along they way, please don't hesitate to contact, Kissie, Kimmy or myself, we'll be most happy to steer you in the wrong direction. HA HA HA. I feel soooo good.

My house-cleaners downstairs just finished, must let them out.

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Here you clearly see a case of the media and its images driving government policy. It was more evident in Bosnia. We're now seeing it again in Kosovo, where so much of the press coverage doesn't even make a pretense of objectivity.
Ted Carpenter, Cato Institute, author of "The Captive Press".

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