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Archive through April 10, 2000

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"It is in Russia's interest to return to cold war politics, not
America's "

ERR, WRONG! It's not Russia's interest, it's not America's, it's US ARMY INTEREST. Gotta have those taxpayers' money to develope those funky cyberwarriors.

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Had the the former Soviet Union distributed condoms to their population, we would not had have to put up with Igor today.

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....The End.

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By Fred LearningEnglish at DingDongSchool ( - on Sunday, April 9, 2000 - 05:22 pm: Mask: It's "when" and not "if". Because it's when the bullet hit his forehead that the mujahedeen may thing it over or express regret and at this moment only.
Why did I write fronthead? Because I blended the french word "front" and the english word "forehead" which has the same meaning.

Fred, you know what - I rest my case.

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By Brave Mujahed Khaleed ibn Vasya ( - on Monday, April 10, 2000 - 12:38 am: "It is in Russia's interest to return to cold war politics, not America's " ERR, WRONG! It's not Russia's interest, it's not America's, it's US ARMY INTEREST. Gotta have those taxpayers' money to develope those funky cyberwarriors.

Well, who knows... but the Cold War was the only time when Russia felt itself equal.

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To Slovack 88:

If the grandmother had .... , she would be grandfather. Got it. Buy.

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Interesting article about anti-Americanism IGOR,

It's all pretty well summed up by Pascal Bruckner when he said "Never has America been so loved and so hated, but in some ways America should be glad. We are not condemning the Russians for a lack of morality. We don't care. They don't count."


Europeans feel superior to Americans...LOL

Yeah but only when they're smoking OUR Crack! LOL

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You really have a hang-up about that don't you,
All American. (By the way I believe Crack is predominately an American phenomena- another reason to feel superior- Europeans can afford cocaine!)

The whole point of the post was that, what whoever observed in France isn't a general European trend, just a French one. And that there was nothing new in what was being said.

The clue that the last two lines were ironic was in the date. Do learn to think before you write.

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I don't have a problem with the article or your post...

I don't see why you got so defensive... unless we've had a history... 😉

BTW speaking of thinking before you write - your last two lines were "Europeans simply believe they are superior to Americans. They have since 1492! "

What's so ironic about that... do you know what Ironic means? LOL.

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Emergency declared at nuclear plant;

An emergency was declared at Dungeness B power station with hundreds of workers evacuated after a carbon dioxide leak, British Energy has said."""

No doubt the Russians are feeling good today knowing they are not the only ones who can't handle theirs.

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All American,

Who was in America in 1492?,of whom does most of the population consist of now?

Irony not an American strong point, ever!

I'm not defensive! >G<

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Right Igor and KFC uses frankenstein chickens!

Some basic facts, the rest is the twisted fantasy of the Author. Now Albania proper is a target.
Where will this edition of the X-files end?

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Reminds me of that movie starring Julia Roberts and Mel Gibson who plays a paranoid taxi driver who is obsessed with theories and conspiracies. I think its aptly called "Conspiracy Theory." …

The only difference being that in the movie the character does actually get ONE right! LMOA.

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By All American ( - on Monday, April 10, 2000 - 11:00 am:

Reminds me of that movie starring Julia Roberts and Mel Gibson who plays a paranoid taxi driver who is obsessed with theories and conspiracies. I think its aptly called "Conspiracy Theory." …

All American,

I saw that movie too, and its possible that Igor is 'afflicted' with the same mental health issues as the character Mel Gibson played. Really, I think Igor is just sore at the raw deal he feels that Russians are getting around the world. Also I think that loony jew, jake b. is bothering him relentlessly.

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